Update on Surcharge Fee and New Sign-In Process for Private Lessons
Effective immediately, we will be pausing the surcharge fee at the gym until further notice.
Moving forward, you will continue to pay for your child’s private lessons directly through their coach as you have in the past.
Please note that, in order to help us keep track of attendance, we kindly ask that you sign your child in at the front desk every time they arrive for a private lesson. A spiral notebook will be provided at the front desk for this purpose.
Additionally, we have recently updated our Tumble HQ policies.
To ensure that you are fully informed, please log in to the Tumble HQ registration portal at tumblehq.com, navigate to the Enrollment tab, and review the updated policies at your earliest convenience.
We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to continuing to provide your child with a positive and productive experience at Tumble HQ. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
As we enter the month of March, we want to keep you informed about our schedule and makeup policy as we approach Spring Break.
Tumble HQ follows the LISD calendar, so there will be no classes from March 9-15.
To ensure all students receive the attendance you have paid for, each student in Tuesday-Thursday classes will be given a makeup class, or classes, depending on how many times a week they attend. All Monday and Saturday attendees will not be granted a makeup as there are 5 Mondays and Saturdays in March. Students with a makeup/s are to attend the same-level class on another day in March. Please let the office clerk know that they are attending a makeup lesson so we can accurately update your child's account.
Important Reminders for Makeups:
Makeups MUST BE completed within the month of March.
If your child comes 1x a week, they will have 1 makeup, if they come 2x a week, they will have 2 makeups, if they come 3x a week, they will have 3 makeups.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping students on top of their classes and look forward to a fantastic month together!
Policy Updates
Please take a moment to review our Tumble HQ Policies, as they have recently been updated. Log in to your Jackrabbit portal to review the new updates. Let us know if you have any questions.
Exciting news… Starting in January 2025 Tumble HQ will be adding TWO new classes!
We are happy to announce the addition of two new classes: Dance Fusion Acro Flow and Flyer Essentials!
Dance Fusion Acro Flow will be Thursdays @5PM. Our new Dance Fusion Acro Flow class will focus on 3 sets of skills: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Please view our website for more info regarding this class. Dance Fusion Acro Flow will begin on Thursday, January 9th, 2025.
Flyer Essentials will be offered Tuesdays @7PM. This program is designed to help cheerleaders build the strength, flexibility, and body control necessary for performing stunts. The training includes specialized techniques such as proper stretching, flyer-specific drills, and exercises aimed at enhancing overall performance.
-Flexibility: Focuses on dynamic and static stretching to improve range of motion for advanced body positions like heel stretches, scales, and needles.
-Strength: Emphasizes targeted exercises to strengthen the muscles required for control and stability during stunts.
-Balance/Stability: Incorporates flyer-specific drills to develop balance and body awareness, enabling the execution of elite-level stunts with greater precision. Flyer Essentials will begin on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025.
Please let us know if you have any questions regarding our new schedule. We are looking forward to these new additions.
As of 8/8/24, we are now accepting online payments at tumblehq.com, under the Payment tab. This way, tuition can be paid online through our website without an emailed invoice being sent to you first. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding our new payment method.